Cyber crime mainly associated with computers. Using computers, means of telecommunications one can commit cyber crime. The use of information technology made people know everything living in one of room of any corner of the world. Sudanese know about Prime minister of Nepal within a few minutes without going to Nepal. Similarly, Nepalese take online exam of Chartered Accountancy without going England. This is the advantage of internet technology.
Every coin has two faces. It has also awful sides. An expert from any corner of the world may hack data from other's computers.
Pornography is also one of the immoral activities flourishing along with internet revolution. One can damage computer or network system using computer virus. Hence, the crime committed through the use of computer has no any boundary.
Every coin has two faces. It has also awful sides. An expert from any corner of the world may hack data from other's computers.
Pornography is also one of the immoral activities flourishing along with internet revolution. One can damage computer or network system using computer virus. Hence, the crime committed through the use of computer has no any boundary.
The cyber crime, better known as e-crime, may include hacking, virus dissemination, pornography, software piracy, cyber stalking etc.
The cyber crime accounts for many billion dollars scam annually in the world. Computer virus is common form of attack into the computer. Viruses are well known for malicious acts upon computers which later on destroy data from the computers. Some of the viruses have spreading nature. Any computer connected with the "infected" computer may also be "contaminated". Viruses are such type of programme (s) that defy computer users and it damages other programme (s) in the computer. In order to kill such viruses, good antivirus should be installed in the computer and regular update of the same is essential. Some information technology (IT) experts or hackers want to show their talents by exposing the protected information on the computers.
Unauthorized use of computers, its data may be included into cyber crime. One can change in other's file in the computer and may send wrong messages to third party. This may hamper computer-owner's image. Hacking webpages, e-mail accounts are also a cheating activity. A BBC Nepali service correspondent Surendra Phuyal's email id had been hacked some months ago. Hackers hack the credit card details and transfer money from credit card account to their own account. This also comes under the category of cyber crime. Software piracy (illegal duplication) is one of the main reasons of revenue-killer of software giant Microsoft. Many of the government and private sector offices in the developing countries use Micosoft's pirated software, popularly known as Windows. Software piracy is the most common type of cyber crime which almost all computer users commit in their life. Before using pirated software, we must be aware of viruses. It may contain virus which may damage severely the computer system.
Banks and financial institutions, government offices may get heavy loss due to exposition of protected data. If criminal has access to other's computer, there are chances of data loss. It may create rumour, scandal and ultimately destroy the image of the person, organization. For example, if your naked picture has been placed in the front page of the website where you work at, your public image will be demolished in no time.
With the help of IT experts, treatment of some kinds of cyber crimes are possible. In Nepal, Electronic Transaction Act has already been launched. It is in the process of forming controller, certification authority and cyber court.
Unauthorized use of computer should be prohibited. It guards against data loss. Giving punishment with the help of law can reduce such activities though a minimum level. Using digital signature, encrypted tunneling (passing the data through a safe channel and in different language), firewall (a computer software that prevents unauthorized access to private data by outside computer users, secure hyper text transfer protocol etc. may help reducing cyber crime. Before giving personal details such as name, address, mobile number, e-mail address to any portal, be careful about cyber stalking. The information has chances of misuses. We should not open e-mails from reliable sources. Giving passwords over the internet is blunder.

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